Reflections on Faith and Spirituality

Archive for February, 2012

Word or Work?

I happened to be pondering this after a long study session. Where has our sense of awe in regard to scripture gone?

I find myself in the middle of my studies, reading the Bible, reading books about the Bible, reading books about books people have read on the Bible…ect. I study the Word of God and soak it up. But I have to admit, I find myself looking at the Bible as some sort of text book for life. That I must glean as much from it as possible and in some cases this is a good thing. But what is lost is the relationship forming power in the Word when its treated like a textbook.

Its great to learn something new and to understand every single aspect about historical context, literary context and so on, but at the base the Word was given to us so that we could form a tight bond with the One who inspired it. In the quest to better understand and scrutinize the Word I have been trying to reduce God into something that can just be studied. Have we been so caught up into extracting moralisms (do’s and don’ts) or doctrine from the Bible that we have missed the point in which it was given? A guide to the lost and the church to reunite us to a longing God. I mean I really have to ask the question, what has been lost when we are always critically analyzing every verse or cannibalizing every teaching? Is this what our religion is about?

Do not get me wrong, it is good to be inquiring of the Word of God, please do not hear me say I am advocating for anti-intellectualism. But what I am advocating for is, taking the time to appreciate what it is. It’s God’s letter to us, explaining who He is and most importantly just how much He loves us and what He has done to be with us.  Let God renew a passion in us for His Word, so that we can see it for what it is, a life giving/relationship building/edifying word to us. Let us resolve to not just make the Bible into work but something we can do to connect with out creator. Remember it is not by our works God reveals Himself, Sometimes we just have to truly be still and know that He is God.